Council Tax reduction Find out whether you may be entitled to support if you or your partner are on a low income. Eligibility for discounts and exemptions Find out if you're eligible for a discount or exempt from paying and how to apply here. Sole occupier discount You are entitled to a discount of 25% if only one adult lives in your property. Find out more here. Properties exempt from paying Council Tax Find out which properties are exempt from paying Council Tax. Appealing Council Tax reduction decisions Find out how to appeal against Council Tax reduction decisions. Full-time student Council Tax discount and exemption Find out if you're eligible for a full-time student discount or exempt from paying and how to apply here.
Council Tax reduction Find out whether you may be entitled to support if you or your partner are on a low income.
Eligibility for discounts and exemptions Find out if you're eligible for a discount or exempt from paying and how to apply here.
Sole occupier discount You are entitled to a discount of 25% if only one adult lives in your property. Find out more here.
Properties exempt from paying Council Tax Find out which properties are exempt from paying Council Tax.
Appealing Council Tax reduction decisions Find out how to appeal against Council Tax reduction decisions.
Full-time student Council Tax discount and exemption Find out if you're eligible for a full-time student discount or exempt from paying and how to apply here.