Core Strategy Consultations
A number of public consultations have been conducted on the Core Strategy at the Issues and Options, Preferred Options and Proposed Submission stages. A Report of Consultation has been produced at each stage, explaining how the consultation was conducted and drawing out the key issues raised by those responding to the consultation.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) identifies the key items of infrastructure which are required to deliver the Core Strategy, how and when these are proposed to be delivered, and by whom. The Knowsley IDP will be subject to regular review and will be updated with new projects and priorities, as appropriate, throughout the plan period.
Sustainability Appraisal
The Core Strategy has undergone a process of Sustainability Appraisal as it has been prepared. This has identified the economic, social and environmental impacts of the strategy and has been used to ensure that changes are made to the strategy to maximise the contribution to sustainable development. Under European and related UK law, the Sustainability Appraisal has incorporated a Strategic Environmental Assessment which has assessed and suggested mitigation for the effects of the plan on the environment. Reports on the sustainability appraisal process have been published at each formal stage of plan production.
Core Strategy Habitats Regulations Assessments
European law requires the Core Strategy to undergo a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) as it is being prepared, in order to assess the impacts of the strategy on habitats, and in particular on "European Sites". Although Knowsley does not contain any European Sites, there are several in surrounding districts (e.g. the Mersey Estuary and Sefton Coast) which could be affected by Core Strategy policies. A Habitats Regulations Assessment report has been published at the different stages of plan production.
Core Strategy Health Impact Assessment
The Health Impact Assessment (HIA) addresses any impacts that the plan may have on the health of the local population. A HIA has been published at each stage of plan production.
Core Strategy Equality Impact Assessment
The Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) assesses the impacts of the Core Strategy on different population groups. An EqIA has been published at each stage of plan production.
Duty to Cooperate Statement
The Duty to Cooperate statement sets out how the Council has met the new duty (imposed by Section 110 of the Localism Act) to cooperate on strategic matters which have an impact on other local authority areas. This includes how the Liverpool City Region authorities have worked together to provide evidence on matters such as land supply and requirements for housing, transport and employment uses.
Local Plan: Core Strategy – Monitoring Framework
The monitoring framework sets out the indicators which will be used to monitor progress in achieving the vision of the Plan and implementing each of its policies.
Accounting for Assessment / Preferred Options Consultation
These documents were produced by the Council to demonstrate and document the progression of Core Strategy policy. This includes in response to the recommendations of statutory and non-statutory assessments, as well as the results of the consultation from the Preferred Options stage. These documents should be read in conjunction with the final Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulations Assessment and Health Impact Assessment, as well as the formal Report of Consultation produced after the conclusion of the Preferred Options consultation.
Core Strategy Self Assessments
These self assessments are based on the templates published by the Planning Advisory Service in May 2013. They demonstrate how the Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy has been prepared in a manner which satisfies the legal requirements in the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 and other relevant legislation, and satisfy the tests of soundness which are set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
Representation Form and Guidance Note
Representation Form and Guidance Note from the Core Strategy Proposed Submission consultation.
Kirkby Town Centre – Capacity for New Retail Floorspace Report
This report deals with the issue of identification of potential floorspace capacity in respect of a proposed new town centre development project in Kirkby Town Centre. The report is based upon research undertaken by Drivers Jonas LLP in January 2010.
Housing and Employment Position Statements
These statements set out Knowsley Council’s position in relation to housing and employment land, and include information concerning past completions of and current supply of land for housing and employment development. The information within these statements has been used to inform projections of future development and the range of new development which will be required over the Plan period.
Housing Market Update
This report provides a housing market update for Knowsley set within the context of the Liverpool City Region. The report focuses primarily on the administrative area of Knowsley but takes full account of the linkages with surrounding areas which form the wider housing market area within which Knowsley sits. It provides an updated position using the latest available information as at July 2013.
Submission Documents
Documents associated with the Submission of the Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy to the Secretary of State.
Sustainability Appraisal - Update
The Core Strategy has undergone a further stage of Sustainability Appraisal to assess the economic, social and environmental impacts of the proposed modifications to the Plan (as at July 2014). As for previous stages, this has been used to ensure that changes are made to the strategy to maximise the contribution to sustainable development. The Sustainability Appraisal incorporates a Strategic Environmental Assessment, which has assessed and suggested mitigation for the effects of the plan on the environment, in accordance with relevant EU and UK legislation.
Habitats Regulations Assessment - Update
The Core Strategy has undergone a further stage of Habitats Regulations Assessment in order to comply with European law and to assess the impacts of the final proposed modifications on habitats, and in particular on "European Sites". Although Knowsley does not contain any European Sites, there are several in surrounding districts (e.g. the Merse Estuary and Sefton Coast) which could be affected by the proposed modifications. The assessment is presented in two documents.
Duty to Cooperate Statement - Update
This update to the Duty to Cooperate statement sets out how the Council has continued to meet the new duty (imposed by section 110 of the Localism Act) to cooperate on strategic matters which have an impact on other local authority areas.
Sub-National Population Projections Update
This document provides a summary of the sub-national population projections dataset (published May 2014) for Knowsley, highlighting implications for the preparation of the Local Plan Core Strategy.
Sustainability Appraisal - Update - Consultation Version
As proposed modifications were finalized, the Core Strategy has undergone a further stage of Sustainability Appraisal to assess the economic, social and environmental impacts of the final set of proposed modifications to the Plan. As for previous stages, this has been used to ensure that changes are made to the strategy to maximise the contribution to sustainable development. The Sustainability Appraisal incorporates a Strategic Environmental Assessment, which has assessed and suggested mitigation for the effects of the plan on the environment, in accordance with relevant EU and UK legislation.
Core Strategy Proposed Modifications Consultation Findings
In Autumn 2014, the Council consulted on "proposed modifications" to the Core Strategy, arising from the Examination in Public of the Plan to date. Following the conclusion of the consultation period, the Council has produced a Report of Consultation, which summarises the consultation process and broad findings, and a Report of Representations, which sets out in full the responses received during the consultation period, published in eight volumes. These reports were published in December 2014.
The Report of Representations is arranged in chapters across 8 volumes. Representations have been collated in accordance with the part of the Core Strategy, site or broad issue to which they relate. Those who have submitted representations can see how their responses have been collated in the Report within its Introduction (Chapter 00, Volume 1).
Core Strategy Accounting for Proposed Modifications Representations
This document summarises the main issues raised by representors in their written responses to the public consultation on Proposed Modifications to the Knowsley Local Plan Core Strategy undertaken from September to November 2014. The Council has made this report available for public inspection to help representors and the Inspector to consider the representations submitted at the Proposed Modifications Stage. To assist with this process the Council has inserted initial comments about each issue raised.
Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment - Update - Further Proposed Modification on Wind Energy
In response to the further proposed modification on the Core Strategy in relation to Wind Energy, the Plan has undergone a further stage of Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment to assess the economic, social and environmental impacts of this further proposed modification.
Further Proposed Modification on Wind Energy - Report of Representations
In Autumn 2015, the Council consultation on a further proposed modification to the Core Strategy, relating to wind energy policy. Following the conclusion of the consultation period, the Council has produced a report which sets out the Representations received. These have been forwarded to the Inspector.
Knowsley and Sefton Green Belt Study
To ensure a consistent approach to identifying sites for release from the Green Belt, Knowsley and Sefton Councils undertook a joint Green Belt study aim to ensure that the most appropriate locations were chosen to accommodate development needs during the life of the Local Plan Core Strategy.