
View all the current policies, plans, and strategies that impact the residents of Knowsley.

Current policies, plans and strategies

Adult Social Care Transformation Plan

Adoption Policy

The Local Authority must maintain an adoption service designed to consistently meet the needs of adopted children and their adoptive and birth parents. This policy therefore outlines the approach of the Knowsley Adoption Agency in meeting these duties.

Child Health Strategy

Knowsley’s Child Health Strategy provides a starting point in learning and actively engaging with children, young people, families and key partners to identify the significant factors involved in ensuring their better health in the future.

Children and Families Plan 

The Children and Families Plan 2021-24 outlines Knowsley’s Children and Families Partnership's vision for positive outcomes for children and young people in Knowsley. Each priority has several key actions to be carried out by the Partnership by 2024.

Care Experienced and Care Experienced People Pledge

Care Experienced Charter

The Care Experienced Charter for Knowsley was produced with children and young people who have experience of being in care in the borough. It sets out the standards expected from the professionals they come into contact with and reminds everyone working in the borough of their responsibilities towards young people in care.

Customer Care Charter

Debt Recovery Strategy

The purpose of this strategy is to set out the actions that will be taken to fulfil the Council’s legal duty to ensure the cost-effective billing, collection and recovery of sums due to the Authority.

Early Help and Prevention Strategy

Education Strategy 2023 - 2026

This strategy has been developed in partnership with key stakeholders and outlines how we will work together to transform the educational offer in Knowsley to create a self-sustaining system where children and young people achieve well, learn, develop and thrive.

Extra Care Allocations Policy

Financial Inclusion Strategy

The purpose of this strategy is to ensure that coordinated activity continues to be implemented to tackle financial exclusion in Knowsley.

Fostering Policy in Knowsley

The purpose of this policy is to outline the Council's duties and responsibilities to children placed in permanent, temporary and private foster care alongside the responsibilities to recruit, train and support foster carers.

Gambling Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy statement is to outline how Knowsley Council, as a Licensing Authority, will consider applications for licences and permits.

Joint Homeless Prevention Protocol for Children aged 16 and 17

The purpose of this protocol is to ensure adequate provision of support, advice and housing for young people in Knowsley who are homeless or threatened with homelessness.

Knowsley Adult Social Care Charging Policy

Knowsley Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 2022 – 2026

Knowsley All Age Carers Strategy

The purpose of this strategy is to help plan and deliver services that reflect the new priorities for carers in Knowsley.

Knowsley Care Experienced People Strategy 2023 - 2026

This strategy sets out how we will deliver our commitment to Care Experienced People over the next three years as part of a sustained effort across Children’s Services, other Council departments and partner agencies

Knowsley Cared For Children Strategy 2023 - 2026

This strategy sets out how we will deliver our commitment for our Cared for Children over the next three years, requiring a sustained effort across Children’s Services, other Council departments and our partner agencies.

Knowsley Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022 to 2025 

In April 2021, The Domestic Abuse Act was enacted to support victims of domestic abuse Domestic Abuse Act 2021.

The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 requires local authorities to assess the needs of people affected by domestic abuse. They must then publish a strategy on how they will respond to these needs.

This strategy outlines how Knowsley Council will work with partners to address the impact of domestic abuse and meet the requirements of the Act. It summarises the current responses and priorities for improving support for victims, children, and perpetrators in the community and safe accommodation.

Knowsley's Early Help and Prevention Strategy 2021-2024

Knowsley Extra Care Strategy 2016

This report describes how Knowsley Council intends to use extra care services to offer alternative models of care that help support more people to continue to live independently in their own home, with support when they need it. The report includes an assessment of how much extra care is needed in the borough by 2040, detailed by locality.

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board Procedures Manual

This manual details the necessary processes to follow to assess the need to safeguard a child from the risk of abuse and/or neglect.

Knowsley Older People's Strategy

This document sets out our vision and strategic priorities for supporting older people over the next three years, from 2018 to 2021, continuing our commitment to improving the lives and opportunities for people in Knowsley.

Leaving Care Guide

Liverpool City Region Child Poverty and Life Chances Strategy

This Strategy sets out proposals for achieving the long-term shared vision of Working together as City Region partners to reduce child and family poverty and to maximise opportunities for children and young people in their life chances.

Private Rented Sector Offer (PRSO) Policy

This policy explains how Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council intends to use powers arising from the Localism Act 2011 to bring the main housing duty to an end by making a suitable offer of private rented sector accommodation.

Proceeds of Crime and Anti-money Laundering Policy

SEND and Inclusion Strategy 2023 - 2026

The SEND and Inclusion Strategy sets out the strategic direction for improving outcomes for children, young people with SEND in Knowsley, and their families.

School Organisation Strategy 2019 - 2029

This strategy has been developed in collaboration with partners to set out how Knowsley will meet its statutory duties to ensure a sufficient supply of school places for children and young people in the borough.

Social Care Workforce Strategy 2024 – 2026

Whistle Blowing Policy

This policy guides staff on what to do if they suspect misconduct at work.

Archived policies, plans and strategies

Community Safety Strategy

Dementia Friendly Strategy 2018-2020

This is the Dementia Friendly Strategy for 2018-2020, which sets out what we will focus on over the next two years to achieve our collective vision to work towards being a dementia-friendly borough by 2020.

Domestic Abuse Reduction Strategy 2017 - 2020

 The Knowsley Safer Community Partnership has developed a three-year strategy to tackle the issue of Domestic Abuse.  To ensure residents, families and communities live safer, healthier and happier lives, partners will work together to tackle this priority issue.  The strategy includes actions the partnership will take to reduce Domestic Abuse, along with the proposed outcome.

Equality and Diversity Policy 2014-2016

The purpose of this policy is to assist with embedding equality and diversity within all of the Council Policies, Processes and Functions.

Knowsley Child and Family Poverty Plan 2015 - 18

This plan provides a local response to the Liverpool City Region Child Poverty and Life Chances Strategy, which aims to improve the life chances of children in poverty and support families to raise their household income.

Knowsley Healthy Weight Plan 2019-2022

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report

Oral Health Improvement Strategy 2009-2013

The purpose of this strategy is to support the dental commissioning strategy by outlining a more detailed view of the actions and programmes required in order to bring about improved oral health in Knowsley.

Road Safety Around Schools Strategy 2018 - 2021

Every child should be able to get to and from school safely, and we all have a role to play to ensure they can. The Knowsley Road Safety Around Schools Strategy encourages everyone – parents, children, school staff, local community – to work together and play their part. Responsibilities and actions are outlined in the strategy.

Travel Support Policy 2020 - 2021

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