Signs of sexual abuse and exploitation
Unexpected or unexplained changes in behaviour.
This could include becoming withdrawn, secretive, or aggressive.
Sudden withdrawal from social activities.
The person may start avoiding friends and family, or stop participating in activities they used to enjoy.
Cutting off ties with friends and family.
The abuser may isolate the person from their support system so that they have more control over them.
Fixation with a new mobile phone and a desire to hide who they are talking to.
The abuser may use the phone to communicate with the person and control them.
Bruising, injury or sexually transmitted diseases.
These could be signs of physical or sexual abuse.
It is important to note that often people who are being sexually exploited are unaware that they are victims of such abuse. They may be groomed by the abuser to believe that the relationship is consensual, or they may be threatened or coerced into silence.
Links to modern slavery
There can also be links with modern slavery where a person is trafficked and becomes a victim of sexual abuse. Modern slavery is the exploitation of people for personal or commercial gain. It can include human trafficking, forced labour, and debt bondage. Trafficked people are often forced to work in the sex industry, and they may be subjected to violence and abuse.