Heritage statements are required to be submitted alongside any planning applications that affect any heritage asset (listed building/conservation area/historic park or garden/archaeology/non-designated heritage), by virtue of paragraph 200 of the NPPF.
The level of detail in the heritage statement should describe the significance of the heritage assets including any contribution made by their setting.
The statement should include a level of detail proportionate to the asset’s importance, but no more than is sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposals on the significance of the affected heritage.
The Historic Environment Record (HER) must be consulted and relevant findings incorporated into the statement. Further valuable information about the heritage significance of sites can be found in local libraries, archives and conservation area appraisals (where relevant). Where appropriate, a suitable expert should be engaged to provide an assessment of the significance of the heritage.
As a minimum the Heritage Statement must incorporate:
- Identification of the heritage affected, including a summary of its interest and any formal designations.
- A description of the significance of the affected elements of the identified heritage (including an assessment of the impact on setting where relevant)
If the works include elements which result in harm to heritage, the statement provides an opportunity to explain what issues you consider weigh in favour of your proposals. In these circumstances you should give particular consideration to how your proposals meet the requirements of NPPF paragraph 200 as appropriate.
The heritage statement can be combined with the Design and Access Statement where this is also required.