Highway infrastructure upgrade - Junction 4 of the M57 motorway, Moorgate Road and the East Lancashire Road (A580)

Find out about the planned highways' improvement scheme in Kirkby

Following on from the consultation last year, work is about to commence on an Active Travel and Capacity Improvement Scheme on Moorgate Road and the East Lancashire Road (A580) providing a fit for purpose, high quality, resilient network for the future. 

The improvements will be delivered in two phases. Phase one, relating to Moorgate Road and the East Lancashire Road, is scheduled to commence in early 2025. This phase will commence from 24th to 28th of February.

Further details relating to the start of this phase, including road diversions that will be in place, can be viewed in the below information sheets.

Phase two, relating to Junction 4 of the M57 will commence in the summer of 2026. Full details of work to be undertaken within each phase can be viewed by clicking below.

View details of the planned work here

The works will include:

  • Improvements at the junction of Moorgate Road and East Lancashire Road (A580), with new separate cycle crossings constructed to improve the safety of cyclists whilst making their journey through the junction quicker and more efficient.
  • A reduction in the speed limit of the East Lancashire Road from 50mph to 40mph between Alchemy Way and the boundary with Liverpool.
  • Improvements for cyclists and pedestrians at Ribblers Lane, making it safer and easier to join up to existing cycle routes.
  • Carriageway widening to create extra lanes and increase capacity and reduce congestion at both junctions.
  • The full signalisation of Junction 4 of the M57 and upgrading the existing signals at Moorgate Road Junction East Lancashire Road (A580).

All works will involve resurfacing, drainage and street lighting improvements where appropriate.

M57 Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked Questions

I am a driver, what are the benefits for me?

The improvements to the traffic signals will ease long term congestion as well as providing immediate benefits for non-motorised users. However, the other improvements will not just benefit cyclists and pedestrians, but all road users including children, less-able individuals and people making short trips around their community. These high-quality facilities will encourage non-motorised transport where possible and reduce congestion for those that need to use their vehicles.

Why is this happening?

We want to provide better links around Kirkby that reduce congestion for motor vehicles and encourage healthier and more varied modes of travel. Making non-motorised forms of transportation safer, more efficient, and more attractive makes local amenities, businesses, and places of work more accessible while reducing congestion on the highway for journeys that are made by car. This scheme supports the central government objective to provide better, sustainable transport links.

What is the evidence base for this work?

There is wide public support for schemes of this type, 76% of Liverpool City Region residents think space should be increased for socialising, cycling, and walking on high streets and 61% believe that more should be invested in cycling and walking facilities. There are 300 million journeys under three miles long undertaken by car each year in the Liverpool City Region, most of these journeys could be undertaken without the use of a motor vehicle. However, around 75% of residents believe that cycling safety needs to be improved, and 63% believe that fewer motor vehicles on the roads would encourage them to cycle more.

This scheme seeks to attract non-motorised users (such as cyclists) by providing safer, more efficient facilities and because 76% of residents believe that cycle routes that are physically protected from traffic and pedestrians would encourage them to cycle more, we believe this scheme will have broad positive effects, in both attracting new users and making Kirkby more accessible using any form of transport.

How do you know that the junction upgrades will reduce congestion in the future?

We have undertaken extensive transportation modelling of the area; our models look at the existing infrastructure and traffic data and the effects of the expected developments and growth up to 2035. By comparing different scenarios, we have found that the proposal to upgrade the Moorgate Road Junction of East Lancashire Road provides the most robust solution and ensures that the junctions remain below capacity into the future.

Why is Road Tax / Council Tax funding new infrastructure for bikes and pedestrians?

Vehicle Excise Duty (the official name for road tax) does not fund infrastructure upgrades, and these works are not being funded by Council Tax.

Who is paying for these works?

The main contributor for these works is central government via the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS).

There are other projects we should be spending the money on…

The road network is used by a broad cross-section of society, and everyone has their own priorities. The funding obtained from central government for this scheme focuses on; relieving congestion, improving sustainable travel facilities and promoting economic growth.

If you have ideas or proposals for new projects, we are always happy to hear from you via our HighwaysEnquiries@knowsley.gov.uk   inbox.

How will the construction works affect my day-to-day life?

Both phases will remain open at most times. There may be times when a road needs to be closed, but this will be done at a time that minimises disruption, such as at night. Full closures will be limited, and residents will be informed in advance of any closures. The road will remain open although at times we may need to install temporary traffic signals to facilitate the works safely.

Access to and from businesses and domestic properties will always be provided for all road users. 

Why cannot cyclists ride on the road or footpath?

Cyclists move at different speeds to pedestrians and motor vehicles; on the road they are vulnerable to motorists and can cause issues for pedestrians on the footpath. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorists are three different forms of travel, each with their own requirements. Providing dedicated facilities along high-capacity routes improves efficiency and safety for all users.

How long will the construction take?

The works will be phased to minimise disruption, Phase 1 (Moorgate Road junction of East Lancashire Road) will take around twelve months. Initially the works will be focused on the Northwest side of the junction and work downwards towards the Southwest side of the scheme.

Phase 2 (M57 Junction 4 roundabout) will start in 2026. You will be notified of the scheme with regards to start date and duration before construction starts. At this time, the duration of phase 2 is to be confirmed.

How can I contact the project team?

Please contact us via email at HighwaysEnquiries@knowsley.gov.uk or in writing at the address below:

Knowsley Council
Stretton Way Depot
Stretton way
L36 6JF

Who will benefit from this project?

There will be benefits for all road and non-motorised users. The upgraded junction will provide additional crossing facilities for non-motorists and additional capacity on the road. Providing quality cycle facilities can further reduce vehicles on the road, improving local air quality and easing congestion. For the residents of Kirkby, there will be better quality access in and around the community which does not require a motor vehicle.

Will electric bikes (EAPCs) or e-scooters be able to use the new cycle facilities?

Knowsley is not presently host to any e-scooter trials, so e-scooters are not permitted for use on any roads Knowsley.

EAPCs, electrically assisted pedal cycles, can be used anywhere that a normal pedal bike can be used. They may be used in the cycleway providing the rider and the EAPC meets the legal requirements which can be found on the gov.uk website EAPC pages.

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