Knowsley Childcare Information Service Find out about the service, how to get support and how to make complaints about childcare and nurseries. Choosing childcare in Knowsley Choosing childcare, from day nurseries to childminders. Free childcare places for two-year-olds If your child is approaching their 2nd birthday, they may be eligible for a free part-time place in a high-quality childcare setting (nursery or childminder) from the term following their 2nd birthday.
Knowsley Childcare Information Service Find out about the service, how to get support and how to make complaints about childcare and nurseries.
Free childcare places for two-year-olds If your child is approaching their 2nd birthday, they may be eligible for a free part-time place in a high-quality childcare setting (nursery or childminder) from the term following their 2nd birthday.