Who will own my data once I submit it?
Knowsley Borough Council (Early Years service).
Why do you need my information?
The purpose of Operation Encompass is to enable information to be shared in support of the following objective(s):
- To provide support for children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse in their household.
- Early Years Settings and Childminders will receive information when:
- Police have been called out to a domestic abuse incident
- The child is resident in the household at the time of the incident
Encompass is a partnership between Merseyside Police, Knowsley Council, and designated safeguarding leads within Early Years settings or Childminders, known as Key Adults. Working together to safeguard children, the Early Years Single Point of Contact within Knowsley Council will inform the Key Adults within Early Years Settings or Childminders about any domestic abuse incident where the child or young person has been present, notified to them by Merseyside Police.
This will enable the setting or childminder to take appropriate steps to support the child during what could be an emotionally difficult time.
The type of personal information we collect
The information shared by Merseyside Police with Knowsley Council Early Years and by them to the Key Adult will be:
- Name of the child
- The date and time of a domestic abuse incident to which the Police were called
- Any details of the incident that is relevant to the safeguarding of the child
The information that will be shared with Merseyside Police will be:
- Name of Early Years setting or Childminder
- For setting, name of designated staff
- Address
- Contact telephone number and/or email address
What allows you to use my information?
The lawful basis for processing the information is:
- UK GDPR 6(1)(e) – Necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest/in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.
- UK GDPR 9(2)(g) – Substantial public interest
- Data Protection Act 2018, Schedule 1, Part 2 (18) Safeguarding of children and of individuals at risk
The legislation that underpins the sharing of appropriate information between the named organisations are summarised as follows:
- Section 11(2) of the Children Act, 2004 requires Local Authorities and the Police to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children.
- Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018
- The Human Rights Act 1998 (article 8);
- Childcare Act 2006, section 40
Who will my information be shared with?
- Merseyside Police
- Early Years setting
Do I have to provide this information and what will happen if I don’t?
You are not obligated to provide the information but as noted earlier involvement with Operation Encompass will enable settings and childminders to effectively support children’s wellbeing during what could be a difficult time. If you wish to opt out at any point you can do this by emailing the following address: operation.encompass@knowsley.gov.uk
How long will you keep this data for and why?
The Council Early Years SPOC will delete the notification of domestic abuse received from the Police once the information has been passed to the relevant key adult. For information about how long information is held by the Police and key adults, please contact them directly.
How will my information be stored?
Information to be stored on a secure electronic folder by Early Years will be the date the information was shared with the setting or childminder.
Will this information be used to take automated decisions about me?
Will my data be transferred abroad and why?
What rights do I have when it comes to my data?
Under the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018/ UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), you have the following rights with regards to your personal data:
- The right to subject access – you have the right to see a copy of the personal data that the council holds about you and find out what it is used for
- The right to rectification – you have the right to ask the council to correct or remove any inaccurate data that we hold about you.
- The right to erasure (right to be forgotten): you have the right to ask the council to remove data that we hold about you.
- The right to restriction – you have the right to ask for your information to be restricted (locked down) on council systems.
- The right to data portability – you have the right to ask for your data to be transferred back to you or to a new provider at your request.
- The right to object – you have the right to ask the council to stop using your personal data or to stop sending you marketing information, or complain about how your data is used.
- The right to prevent automated decision making – you have the right to ask the council to stop using your data to make automated decisions about you or to stop profiling your behaviour (where applicable)
To find out more about your rights under the DPA 2018/UK GDPR, please visit the Information Commissioner’s website.
To request a copy of your data or ask questions about how it is used, please download a copy of our form and send it to:
Data Protection Officer
Knowsley Council
Municipal Building
Archway Road
L36 9YU
Or email: Inforights@knowsley.gov.uk
Who can I complain to if I am unhappy about how my data is used?
You can complain directly to the Council’s Data Protection Team by writing to: -
Data Protection Officer
Knowsley Council
Municipal Building
Archway Road
L36 9YU
Or email: data.protection.officer@knowsley.gov.uk
You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office using the following details:
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Telephone: 08456 30 60 60 or 01625 54 57 45
Website: www.ico.org.uk