Other ways to pay
If you don’t pay your council tax by direct debit your bill will show the method of payment as cash. You can also pay by debit/credit card/cheque using one of the methods below.
- Call our 24-hour payment line on 0151 443 4476, and select option 1
- At any shop displaying the Paypoint symbol. Please be aware that it can take up to 10 days for the payment to appear on your Council Tax account
- By cheque and postal order to: The Executive Director (Resources), Municipal Buildings, Archway Road, Huyton, L36 9YU. Cross cheques and postal orders and make them payable to ‘Metropolitan Borough of Knowsley’. Please quote your council tax account number on the back of your cheque or postal order.
- Single or regular payment from your bank account. When using this method please make sure the payment is made at least 7 days prior to the instalment due date.
Our bank account details are:
Barclays Bank
Sort code: 20-51-02
Account number: 73951685.
Quote your council tax number, including the ‘CT’ prefix.