Social Value in the Council's procurement process

The Council is committed to incorporating Social Value into its procurement process. Find out more about how we ensure we withhold this commitment here.

This means that for all contracts with a value in excess of £25,000, we consider how the contract can deliver positive social, economic, and environmental benefits to the community. We also encourage consideration of Social Value in contracts valued below £25,000.

Identifying social value opportunities

We work closely with commissioners and service users to identify and assess the potential for Social Value in each contract. This may involve amending specifications to include Social Value requirements as a core part of the contract, or simply encouraging suppliers to consider ways to deliver Social Value as part of their bids.

Consulting with the market

We also consult with the relevant market to ensure that the Social Value requirements we are setting are achievable and proportionate to the contract. This may involve public consultation with users or residents to understand their priorities, or market engagement with suppliers to identify innovative ways to deliver Social Value.

Our approach to social value

Our approach to Social Value is to strike a balance between setting clear expectations and allowing for innovation and flexibility. We want to ensure that Social Value is a meaningful part of the procurement process, but we also want to give suppliers the freedom to develop creative and effective solutions.

By incorporating Social Value into our procurement process, we can ensure that our contracts not only deliver the goods and services we need, but also make a positive difference to the lives of people in our local communities.

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