How to pay

You can pay by Direct Debit, through our online payment portal, over the phone, postal, and through bank transfer. Find out more here.

Direct Debit

Direct Debit is the council’s preferred method of payment. All payments made by direct debit are protected by the direct debit guarantee.

If you currently pay by any other method and would like to set up a direct debit, please call 0151 443 4126 / 4069.

Alternatively, download a direct debit instruction by clicking here and return to:

Business Rates Office

Knowsley MBC,

Archway Road,


L36 9YU


Online Payment

You can pay your business rates using our secure payment site.


Pay over the phone using a credit or debit card.

Business Rates Office

0151 443 4126/4069.


Post your payment to:

Director of Finance

Business Rates Office

Knowsley MBC

Archway Road


L36 9YU

Cheques and postal orders should be crossed and made payable to ‘Metropolitan Borough of Knowsley’. Please ensure that you include your account reference number with your payment.

Bank Transfer

You can set up a bank transfer through your bank, quoting Knowsley Council’s:

Account number


Sort code


Please ensure that you quote your business rates account number, including the prefix ‘BR’.

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