What to put in your bin

If you put the wrong things in your bins we may not collect it. Find out what goes in which coloured bin and how to recycle at home here.

What to put in each bin

What goes in the grey bin

Graphic to show what materials can be placed in grey recycling bin - paper, card, cans and tins, glass jars and bottles and plastic bottles.

Please rinse plastic bottles, cans and tins and glass jars before putting them in your grey bin, and flatten cardboard.

What goes in the blue bin

Graphic to show what materials can be placed in blue recycling bin - shredded paper, grass, plant and hedge cuttings, pet bedding, untreated bark and woodchippings.

Do not put card, soil or food waste in your blue bin.

What goes in the maroon bin

Graphic to show what materials can be placed in maroon waste bin - including nappies, food waste, plastic bags and polystyrene containers

Extra waste

Extra waste left next to your maroon or blue bins will not be collected. If you do have extra waste, please visit your nearest Household Waste Recycling Centre - details can be found here.

Recycling bin (grey) General waste (maroon) Garden waste (blue)
  • Food/cereal boxes
  • Cardboard
  • Phone books
  • Food tins and drink cans (place lids inside cans)
  • Glass bottles and jars (remove caps and lids)
  • Plastic – bottle shaped plastics only (remove tops, caps and lids)
  • Envelopes
  • Paper, newspapers and magazines
  • Junk mail
  • Polystyrene
  • Plastic tubs
  • Juice cartons (Tetra Pak)
  • Plant pots
  • Foil trays / tin foil
  • Plastic wrappers
  • Food waste - includes fruit fallen from trees
  • General waste and items that cannot be recycled.

Building materials or rubble are not accepted

  • Grass cuttings
  • Shredded paper
  • Flowers
  • Prunings
  • Hedge and tree clippings
  • Twigs and branches
  • Leaves
  • Plants and weeds
  • Untreated bark and wood chippings
  • Pet bedding - wood chippings, sawdust, straw and hay (clean or soiled)

Please note that all food waste, including any fruit that has fallen from the trees, should be placed in your maroon bin for collection.

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