More information about our bin charges

Find out more about our bin charges here.

The council requires a replacement fee for lost, stolen, or missing maroon bins. The fee is £34 for a 240 litre wheeled bin. This fee helps offset the administrative and delivery costs associated with providing a replacement bin.

To prevent bin theft, take the bin in as soon as possible after collection and label it with your house number/name and postcode.

Grey and blue bins are still provided free of charge to encourage recycling.

In case of bin damage, the council will make every effort to repair it rather than replace it. If a repair is not possible, a replacement bin will be provided free of charge.

If your bin has fallen into the back of the bin lorry, order a new bin online and select the reason "back of wagon." The service will contact you to confirm if they have been able to verify your bin has gone into the back of the vehicle. If this can't be verified, then a charge will apply.

There is no charge for downsizing any bin from a 360 litre to a 240 litre bin.

An extra grey recycling bin is free, but an extra maroon bin requires consultation with a customer service advisor.

Payment for a bin is by debit or credit card and must be made in full before delivery.

There is no appeal process for the replacement fee.

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