Carer's assessment

Here you will find information about how your carer's assessment will be conducted and possible support and outcomes you may face.

We know from talking to our residents, that people want to live independently, in their own homes, for as long as possible and that carers play a vital role in making sure this happens.
In Adult Social Care, our approach is focused on early intervention and prevention by providing a wide range of support options to carers from information and advice to practical support and specialist assessment.  
Knowsley Carers Hub offers a wide range of support for carers, including information and advice, drop-in sessions, practical support and events and trips. You can refer yourself to the carers hub by contacting them on 0151 549 1412.
There is also a lot of support in the local community and you can see what support is available by searching the Live Well Directory or call Healthy Knowsley on 0800 0731202 for things that are available in your area. 

About carer's assessments

A carers assessment is the way we decide if your caring role means you have needs that we can support you with, this is called being eligible for support. During the assessment, we will have a conversation with you about what things you about your needs, how your caring role affects you and how we can support you to improve your wellbeing.

Who is eligible for a carer's assessment 

Any carer who has needs for support should be offered or can request an assessment.

As a carer you will be entitled to an assessment regardless of the amount or type of care you provide, your financial means or your level of need for support. You can have an assessment whether or not the person you care for has had a social care needs assessment, or if they are eligible for support or not.

If you share caring responsibilities with another person, or more than one person, you can each have a carer's assessment. You don’t have to live with the person you are looking after or be caring full-time to have a carer's assessment. You may be juggling work and care and this is having a big impact on your life. 

How to request a carer's assessment

You can request a carer's assessment at any time, even if you have previously declined an assessment or the person you care for has not been assessed. 
To request an assessment you can contact Knowsley Carers Hub on 0151 549 1412 who will offer you support as an informal carer. If Knowsley Carers Hub feels you need more support than they can offer, they will complete a referral for a carers assessment by the Council.
You can request an assessment before you take up your caring role.

Respite breaks 

Eligibility for respite is decided using a social care needs assessment for the cared for person.  You can request a social care needs assessment by contacting our First Response Team on 0151 443 2600.  The cared for person may be charged for any support provided, including respite, following a social care needs assessment.

Who carries out the carer's assessment

The carers assessment is carried out by a suitably trained practitioner who will contact you to arrange the assessment at a time that is convenient to you.

Support during your assessment

Yes, you can have people with you to support you and offer their views. This could be a family member or friend, or anyone else that you trust. 

If you think will find the carers assessment process difficult and you don’t have anyone to help you, we can arrange for someone called an advocate to attend the assessment to help you get your views across.  If you think this would be helpful you can let us know when we contact you to arrange the assessment or you can contact the advocacy hub on 0151 426 3174 and tell them you need help with a carers assessment.

What happens during a carer's assessment

During the assessment we will ask you questions about your strengths, interests and what you like to do.  We will ask about your caring role and how it affects you.
In preparation for your assessment, it is useful to give yourself some time to think about how caring affects you. It is also important to start thinking about any help that would make a difference to you as a carer. You can request a copy of the assessment questions in advance and begin to write down your thoughts to these questions.

The assessment is the way we decide if your needs as a carer make you eligible for support from Knowsley Council. 

To be eligible you must meet criteria that is set out in The Care Act

As a result of your caring role you physical or mental health is deteriorating or is at risk of deteriorating
You are unable to achieve any of the below outcomes:

  • Carrying out any caring responsibilities the carer has for a child
  • Providing care to other persons for whom the carer provides care
  • Maintaining a habitable home environment in the carer’s home (whether this is also the home of the adult needing care)
  • managing and maintaining nutrition
  • Developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships
  • Engaging in work, training, education or volunteering
  • Making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community, including recreational facilities or services
  • Engaging in recreational activities.

What happens after the carer's assessment

If your carer’s assessment identifies that you are eligible we will make a support plan with you. 
This will give details of the care and support to be provided to you in your caring role and what support we have agreed you need to carry on in your role.
Your carer's assessment should include arrangements for emergency situations, for example if you become ill.


There is no charge for a carer's assessment or for information and advice provided to carers. 

If you receive services from a local voluntary organisation, these are generally provided free of charge.

We will meet any cost of services we agree you need as part of your support plan.  If the person you are caring for requires respite this will be part of their own support plan and there may be a charge for this.

Reviewal of your support plan

You can request a review of your support plan and a reassessment every 12 months.  To request a review contact Knowsley Carers Hub on 0151 549 1412.

What happens if you are not eligible for support

If you are not eligible for care and support, we will send you a letter with our decision and a copy of the assessment.  

We will give you advice on other services you can use and information about how to get help in future.  The Carers Hub will continue to offer you support and can refer for another assessment if your circumstances change.
There is a lot of support for carers in Knowsley and you can find out what is available in your area using the Live Well Directory.

You can also ring Healthy Knowsley to speak to one of their wellbeing coaches on 0800 0731 202.

What happens if I am unhappy with the outcome?

If you are unhappy with the outcome, you can make a complaint to the council, or contact us by telephone on 0151 443 3231
You can also contact Healthwatch Knowsley to raise a concern about the social care assessment process by visiting their website or call 0151 449 3954.

Carers and safeguarding

It is important to be aware that you, or the person you support, may be vulnerable to harm at times. Harm can be unintentional or deliberate. Everyone has a right to live free from harm so if you, or the person you support, are at risk of harm you must seek help and advice.

If you, or the person you are supporting, are at risk of abuse or neglect then you must report this by contacting our First Response Team on 0151 443 2600.

Useful contact numbers

First Response Team

0151 443 2600

Knowsley Carers Hub 

0151 549 1412

Carers UK

0207 378 4999

0808 808 7777

Carers Trust

0844 800 4361

Alzheimer’s Society Knowsley

0151 426 4433

St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust (Patient Advice and Liaison Service - PALS)

01744 646 465

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