
View all the current policies, plans, and strategies that impact Knowsley as a place.

Affordable Warmth Strategy

The purpose of this strategy is to make sure that nobody within Knowsley suffers from fuel poverty and that excess winter deaths are reduced significantly by ensuring residents can heat their homes adequately.

Community Safety Strategic Plan 2017 - 2020

Contaminated Land Strategy

The purpose of this strategy is to deal with a legacy of land contamination arising from industrial development and other related operational practices.

Corporate Property Plan

This plan provides an assessment as to what extent the Council’s property estate is achieving a number of objectives, as well as providing a framework for moving from the current position to where the Council’s property estate should be.

Dog Control - Public Spaces Protection Order

Economic Growth Plan

Our plan for accelerating economic growth 2016 – 2020.

Empty Homes Strategy

This strategy aims to reduce the number of empty homes across Knowsley.

Enforcement Policy 2023

Environmental Policy

Fly Posting Policy

This policy sets out how the council deals with fly posting issues in the borough.

Healthier Advertising Policy 

Highway Infrastructure and HMEP

Knowsley Council Sustainable Energy Action Plan

Knowsley Homelessness Strategy 2020 - 2025

This strategy sets out our ambitious plans to tackle homelessness in Knowsley over the next five years.

Knowsley Housing Assistance Policy 2016

Knowsley Housing Enforcement Policy 2023-2026

Knowsley Housing Strategy 2022 - 2027: Building on success and strengthening our offer

The purpose of this strategy is to ensure that our current and new homes meet the needs and aspirations of Knowsley residents and that the neighbourhoods in the borough are thriving.

Knowsley’s Local Implementation Plan

This plan represents Knowsley’s inaugural Implementation Plan, which is a delivery plan contributory to the strategy element of the Local Transport Plan for Merseyside.

Knowsley Partnership Climate Change Strategy 2012 - 2016

Liverpool City Region Tenancy Strategy

Merseyside Local Transport Plan

The plan provides the transport strategy and plans for the county of Merseyside.

North Huyton Action Area Supplementary Planning Document

The purpose of this document is to guide future development proposals for the North Huyton Action Area.

Pedestrian Action Plan 2010 - 2016

Playing Pitch Assessment and Strategy

The purpose of this document is to guide future development proposals for the Tower Hill Action Area.

Private Sector Housing Strategy

This strategy aims to provide an innovative and holistic approach to improving housing conditions and management standards across the private sector in Knowsley.

Tower Hill Kirkby Action Area Supplementary Planning Document

The purpose of this document is to guide future development proposals for the Tower Hill Action Area.

Waste Collection and Recycling Policies

Management of Council-Owned Neighbourhood Shopping Parades Policy

Scrutiny Review – Shopping Parades

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