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Look after your neighbours

We know that everyone’s lives and circumstances are different, and you may be aware of people living locally to you with particular challenges. You may have a neighbour who lives alone, someone on your street with mobility issues or a family who are new to the area. Just being aware of your neighbours, saying hello and sharing a brief conversation can make a big difference.

Knowsley is well-known for its strong community spirit. This was particularly evident throughout the pandemic with lots of people volunteering to help others, delivering food parcels, picking up prescriptions, walking dogs for people who had to self-isolate or just popping in for a cuppa to check that their vulnerable relative or neighbour was okay. All these things meant a lot and made a difference to the community as a whole.

Just taking the time to check-in on others is appreciated so much – for many, it can be their only contact and so to know someone cares can be invaluable.

Ideas to consider

  • Putting your neighbour’s bin out / putting it back
  • Do they need help with their recycling?
  • Check on vulnerable neighbours or relatives to see if they need any shopping picking up
  • Do they like to read a paper? Could you pick one up when you’re out and about?
  • Do they need a lift to a doctor’s or hospital appointment?
  • Do they have pets they may need a hand with? Dog walking or feeding them if their owner feels unwell
  • Call or pop in to see them on a regular basis to check that they are okay or just make them a cuppa
  • Have you cooked too much? Consider sharing what’s left over with your neighbour or a relative
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