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Help for people with additional needs

For some people with additional needs or disabilities, finding work or opportunities to advance their skills may not always be easy. Here in Knowsley there are lots of local groups and organisations that can offer support.

Supported Internship programme

The Knowsley Supported Internship Programme offers young people with a learning disability or difficulty the opportunity to gain work experience, a qualification, knowledge and skills. Those involved are supported by a Mentor and after the one year programme, the aim is that they secure full/part-time paid employment.

For any further information please contact Vicki Moss, Supported Internship Job Coach on 01744 623358 / 07785 624 850, or

Flourish Further Education

Flourish Further Education is delivered by Knowsley FACE (Family And Community Education) and is a post-19 specialist education centre for young people with high needs.

Flourish provides an individualised, flexible programme – a lot of which will be delivered in the community – to help build the skills and experience the young people will need for the future, helping them to progress their independence and transition into adulthood.

For more information contact


This service is available as a drop-in through our libraries or by a referral from a mental health service. Liferooms work with various other local partners to help people move into employment.

Our Children’s Social Care team provide support for cared for or care experienced people to prepare for and access a job. Speak to your Social Worker for more information.

Merseyside Youth Association provide one on one mentoring for young people who struggle with their mental health, including people with special educational needs, to access employment. They also provide a Talent Match service for people aged 15-29 who are not in education, employment or training or have not worked for 12 months.

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