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Current crime rates in Knowsley

Throughout the UK, data shows that overall reported cases of crime are increasing following the pandemic. Rates across Merseyside have also increased in line with the national average.

The increase seen in Knowsley is the lowest in the region and thanks to the positive work undertaken by the Community Safety Partnership, Knowsley actually has the lowest levels of crime in the whole of Merseyside, accounting for just 10% of all crimes reported in 2021/22.

Similarly rates of anti-social behaviour in the borough are also the lowest in the region accounting for just 9% of all cases in 2021/22.

Despite these indicators, reducing crime and anti-social behaviour remains a priority in Knowsley as we understand the devastating impact it can have on individuals, families and communities.

A key part of that work is encouraging the community to work with us, build trust and encourage people to come forward to the Police and other organisations with their concerns and when issues are experienced.

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