Property Pool Plus

Property Pool Plus is a choice-based lettings service in Merseyside that helps people find affordable housing.


The information below provides an overview of the qualification criteria which must be met to join the scheme. 

  • You will need to have a local connection to the scheme area. 
  • Any 16 or 17 year olds who want to join the scheme must have a “trustee” (someone who is responsible for them). There is an exemption to this rule for young people leaving the care of the Local Authority.
  • People who owe rent on a former property, may not be able to join the scheme. This is where you owe more than one month’s rent or other charges. If you have agreed a repayment plan, then you may be allowed to join the scheme. You must have been paying this for 3 months and must continue to pay these repayments. 
  • Anyone who owns a house may not be able to join the scheme. 
  • If you have savings of more than £16,000 then you may not be able to join the scheme. 
  • There are some criteria for unacceptable behaviour and breaking tenancy terms. 

Further information on eligibility can be found here.

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