Information for guests

Here you will find a wide range of guidance and information for guests arriving from Ukraine, find out more about the support available using this guide.

Children and young people

Early Years

Services and support available:

Local family services 

Information about local Knowsley services can be found on the Knowsley Family Information Service website including information about local libraries, art galleries, leisure centres and youth clubs.


If you have school-aged children, you will need to apply for school places in line with school admission procedures:

Primary schools

For primary schools, guests will need to download a paper in-year application form.

To apply for a primary school in-year admission, please download and complete the application form below. Return the completed form to the primary school you are applying to. The school will then let you know if your application was successful.

Secondary schools

For secondary schools, guests will need to download and complete a paper in-year application form.

To apply for a secondary school in-year admission, please download and complete the application form below. Return the completed form to the Knowsley School Admissions Team, who can also help you with general enquiries about in-year transfer applications.

You can download these forms above, request them from the Council's School Admissions team or from the individual school. 

Children in Year 6

Children that are currently in the final year of primary school (Year 6) will need to apply for a secondary school place before September.  An application can be made directly to the Local Authority via the online application portal.

Children joining Reception

Children that are at the age to join Reception class (primary school) in September, can also apply at the above online application portal

The online application portal is open until 31 August.  

You can also request a paper application via the School Admissions team.  

When you have the information you need, you can also contact the school directly to make an application. Schools can access English as an Additional Language (EAL) support for pupils who require it.  

Leaving a child home alone 

It is against the law to leave a child alone if it puts them at risk.  Please read the following  advice from NSPCC here.

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