
Knowsley Pest Control Service offers pest control treatments for homes and businesses, including rat extermination. Find out more about the different types of pests and how to treat them.



  • If you have pets, have them treated for fleas before the technician arrives.
  • Thoroughly clean, vacuum, or sweep your home before treatment. Cover or store all exposed food.
  • Remove all items from the floors, including under the beds.
  • Move furniture away from the walls, if possible, so the technician can access the skirting boards.
  • Vacuum all carpets and rugs and clean all hard floors. Pay special attention to areas where pets sleep or where the sun heats up the floor. Empty the vacuum cleaner bag into the outside bin and change the bag after cleaning.
  • Remove or cover fish or reptile tanks, as the insecticide may harm them. If the tanks are not properly protected, the technician may refuse to treat your home.
  • People and pets must leave the rooms being treated and cannot return until the insecticide is dry.

If you cannot prepare the room before your treatment, please contact us to reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, you may lose your fee.

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