Housing disrepair

Your rented home should not be unsafe or making you ill, if you feel as though the property you live in is in a state of disrepair find out how we can help here.

If you are a tenant living in a rented property and you believe the property to be in a state of disrepair or your housing conditions are poor, this could be because the conditions could significantly impact your health, put you at risk of physical harm or injury, or prevent you from fully enjoying your home.

Examples and resources 

Contacting your landlord

If you have concerns about the condition of your rented property, follow these steps:

Contact your landlord or letting agency

In writing (email or letter)

This provides written proof of your efforts to resolve the issue.

By phone

Keep a record of the date, what was discussed, and any agreements made.

Seek further advice

Shelter England's website

Citizen's Advice website

Take action under the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018

If your landlord fails to address the problem, you can take legal action against them.

Find out more information on Gov.uk 

Environmental Health

If your landlord fails to respond to your requests Environmental Health can investigate and take enforcement action. Environmental Health can ensure landlords make necessary repairs.


Environmental Health 


2nd Floor

Municipal Building

Archway Road


L36 9FB


0151 443 4712



Other issues

Contact the council's Housing Solutions Team if you have any questions or concerns about the following:

  • Issues related to your tenancy agreement
  • Tenant or landlord rights
  • Threats of eviction or homelessness
  • Rent arrears

If you have not received a current gas safety certificate from your landlord, contact the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).

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