Local authority governors

There are a range of Local Authority school governor opportunities in schools across Knowsley. Find out more about the role of a governor and how to register your interest here.


The council has a legal duty to oversee school governance in Knowsley. This includes

  • Appointing local authority governors
  • Agreeing and making governing instruments for all maintained schools
  • Using powers under the Education and Inspections Act (2006) to strengthen governing boards and create Interim Executive Boards (IEBs)

The council takes a proactive approach to identifying existing and potential local authority governor vacancies before the end of the governors' terms of office.

Under the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012, local authority governors are nominated by the council but appointed by the governing boards. The council can nominate any eligible person as a local authority governor, but the governing board decides whether the nominee has the skills and meets other eligibility criteria to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.

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