Oversubscribed schools

Here you'll learn more about the allocation details for oversubscribed schools and the next best steps.

To find out which Knowsley schools currently have vacancies, please contact the school admissions team. This information is not published online because it can change frequently. Any vacancies that may occur in the schools listed as oversubscribed below will be reallocated from waiting lists.

Some schools in Knowsley are more popular than others, and receive more applications than they have places available. These schools are said to be "oversubscribed".

When a school is oversubscribed, the school has to decide who gets a place using a set of rules called oversubscription criteria. The oversubscription criteria for each school are different, but they typically give priority to children who live closest to the school, children who are looked after by the local authority, and children who have siblings already attending the school.

The Knowsley schools and academies listed below were oversubscribed at the point of the initial allocation of places for on-time applications. 

2024 allocation detail dates

Oversubscribed secondary schools/academies

1st March 2024

Oversubscribed primary schools/academies

A full copy of the school admission policy/arrangements can be found at Apply for a school place | Knowsley Council





We are available by phone Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Otherwise, please leave a message and we will return your call.

Primary and Secondary school admissions

0151 443 5142/5143

In Year Admissions

0151 443 3372


Knowsley Council

School Admissions

Education Improvement Team

PO Box 21

Municipal Buildings

Archway Road



L36 9YU

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