The council's budget

View information on the council's revenue budget, capital programme and financial strategy.

Budget setting reports

In early March each year, the council considers a number of reports that it uses as background information to set its annual budget and Council Tax for the year.  The reports include:

  1. Medium-term financial strategy: This report provides the medium-term financial context against which any budget proposals should be considered.  The report also includes the council’s statutory Annual Pay Policy, which sets out the Council’s approach to pay and remuneration.
  2. Capital programme: This report presents an update on the council’s planned capital expenditure and the related funding.  The report also provides an update on funding allocations and proposals for new capital schemes.
  3. Fees and charges: This report seeks approval for the full range of fees and charges across all council services for the coming year.
  4. Revenue budget report: This report provides background information for the council to consider in finalising its revenue budget for the coming year.
  5. Council Tax Levy:  This report provides background information for the council to consider in finalising its Council Tax Levy for the coming year.

All of these reports are considered each year at the Council’s annual budget setting meeting – which is usually held between 1 and 11 March each year.  

The agendas for these meetings can be found here.

Council's budget summaries

The council's budget
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