Knowsley Childcare Information Service

Find out about the service, how to get support and how to make complaints about childcare and nurseries.

The Knowsley Childcare Information Service is a free service providing information on childcare for parents and carers, including:

  • Out-of-school childcare
  • Childminders
  • Nursery education and pre-school groups
  • Primary and secondary school admissions
  • Children's Centres
  • How to register as a childminder or set up a childcare business.
  • The regulation of childcare provision

We also provide information on careers in childcare. Find childcare in Knowsley with our search facility.

Useful Websites

How to get support

For help and support choosing childcare, call the Childcare Information Service on 0151 443 5633 Option 4
or email

Complaints about childcare and nurseries

Each type of childcare has its pros and cons, and you will need to work out what suits you and your family's needs best based on work hours, budgets, etc., but you should always expect a quality provision.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care, you should, in the first instance, speak to the setting manager; if you are unsatisfied with the answers and actions or have any other concerns, contact Ofsted on 0300 123 1231.

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