Dog breeding

Dog breeding licensing ensures that dogs are bred and raised in safe and humane conditions, and protects the welfare of puppies and their mothers. Find out more about applying for dog breeding licence here.

Establishments used for the breeding of dogs are controlled by the Breeding of Dogs Act 1973. You must obtain a licence from the council to keep a breeding establishment.

Anyone who breeds and sells dogs, or who produces five litters or more in a 12-month period, must be licensed by their local council.


2023-2024 licencing fee £395 plus vet inspection fees

This licence needs to be renewed every year.

How to apply

Download, complete, and return the application form to the address below, enclosing the correct fee.

Before we grant a licence you must be able to demonstrate that the accommodation is suitable and the animals are well fed, exercised, and protected from disease and fire.

Download your application form

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