Help paying rent

Depending on your circumstances, you can get help to cover the cost of a deposit on a rented property with the Knowsley bond scheme.

Help with rent deposits

The Knowsley Bond Scheme gives your landlord a bond to guarantee that damages or loss of rent are covered.

The arrangement lasts for 12 months from the start of your tenancy. After this, your landlord may choose whether to renew your tenancy without a bond or cash deposit.

If they do require a deposit, the bond scheme can help you arrange this and give advice about the deposit protection schemes.

You may be eligible for a bond if you’re at risk of losing your home, live in an overcrowded property and are living in Knowsley or have done so recently.

How to apply for a bond

If you're homeless or threatened with homelessness, we may be able to help you with a bond or deposit. For more information visit the Tenancy Bond Scheme page, contact us by completing our online presentation form or calling the Housing Solutions Team on 0151 443 2333.

Knowsley Housing Options

Whether you own or rent your property, the Knowsley Housing Options Service offers advice and support with housing problems.

If you are homeless or worried about becoming homeless, we can offer advice and support based on your own circumstances.  

If you require advice and support with housing, please complete our online presentation form or contact us on 0151 443 2333 if you are unable to or require help to complete the form. An emergency out-of-hours service is available on the same number.

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